Exclusive: Green for ‘go’ on hydrogen turbines
In the magazine “PEi – Power Engineering international” Aasa Lyckstroem, Sustainability Officer & Manager of Product Positioning at Siemens Energy, has published an article on how ZEHTC is paving the way for hydrogen-based energy systems. Read the whole article here: https://www.powerengineeringint.com/hydrogen/green-for-go-on-hydrogen-turbines/
Presenting the consortium
The project started 2019 with a kick off meeting. During the meeting a short trailer on the project consortium was produced, you can find it here: https://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/siemens-sverige/videos/green-light-for-zero-emission-hydrogen-test-center-47082 You can also read about the project in this pressrelease (in Swedish): https://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/siemens-sverige/pressreleases/siemens-bygger-vaetgasanlaeggning-foer-utslaeppsfritt-energisystem-2949856
New project web!
ZEHTCs project website is launched! Here we will publish ongoing information and results of the project. Stay tuned!